型紙のないお土産を作る Make souvenir without paper pattern

My job in this village is to make bags using vintners' old kimono fabrics and dyed fabrics from village plants. I usually do it after making a paper pattern, but this time I did not make a paper pattern.
ついこの前、私は彼らがもうすぐ帰国する話を聞きました。 それで彼らの友人は私に、彼らのためにお土産を作ることを相談してくれました。
About a year ago, there were foreign couple who started living in this village.
I did not have the chance to talk with them, but I knew by rumors that they are good people.
Last time, I heard that they will return home soon. So their friend told me to make a souvenir for them.

どうぞお元気で。 村に来てくださって、ありがとう。
I thought of various things and started making souvenirs. People will never meet again. What kind of memories did they live in this village for a year?
I decided not to make a paper pattern. I wanted to finish it as a special one. I will not proceed to make this same thing. Please take care. Thank you for coming to the village.